The images and links identified in this section are automatically used on documents (e.g. Sale Invoice, remittance) and communications associated with this Legal Entity.
Date from: Only applies from the Document date.
Date to: Only applies up to this date. If this is blank, then there is no end date.
Tax authority: Override only applies if this value matches the tax authority on the document's Contact account.
Tax region: Override only applies if this value matches the tax region on the document's Contact account.
Document class: Only applies to any Document classes entered here.
Document type: Only applies to any Document types enter here.
Currency: Only applies to any Currencies entered here.
Contact group: Only applies to any Contact groups entered here.
Project group: Only applies to any Project groups entered here.
Project: Only applies to any Projects entered here that matches the project in the document header.
The following sections in a report can be set to occur when the override criteria are met. Each section can be found under Purpose with the change in the Value field.
Not all these Purposes need to need to be set. When a report is generated using documents, only the overrides that have been set will apply.
Any that don't fall within the conditions set will use the standard report.
If Purpose is set to Header and the criteria applies, then the text in Value will show in the middle top of the report.
For example -
If Purpose is set to Footer and the criteria applies, then the text in Value will show in the middle bottom of the report.
For example -
If Purpose is set to Logo and the criteria applies, then the image selected in Value will replace the image in the top right of the report.
For example -
Available Images need to be loaded into the Images table.
Add/View these by selecting Images in the Finder menu.
If Purpose is set to LE Address type and the criteria applies, then the address entered in Value, which can be selected from any of the addresses setup in Address types, will display in the top right of the document.
If Purpose is set to Registered Address Type and the criteria applies, and the report you're checking has a registered address at the bottom of the page, then the address selected in Value, which can be selected from any of the addresses setup in Address types, will be entered at Registered in.... at the bottom of the document.
Format Addresses:
If Purpose is set to one of the Format Address options and the criteria applies, then the appropriate address on the document will be formatted with the address format selected in the Value field.
If Purpose is set to Tax Registration Text and the criteria applies, then the text at the bottom of the document from **Registered in ..." will be replaced with the text entered in the Value field.
If Purpose is set to Consumption Tax and the criteria applies, then any occurrence in the document with VAT will be replaced with the text in the Value field. e.g GST for Australia.
For example -
If Purpose is set to Remit to and the criteria applies, then a Please remit to line will be added to the document showing the Bank details from either the Legal entity or from the Bank Account name, depending on the option selected in the Value field.