A Resource can be a Customer, Supplier, Member of staff, lead or payment recipient. Resources are generally people or companies that are used in conjunction with multiple areas of the system containing a range of details about resources such as contact information to bank accounts. Each resource is restricted to one user.
The screenshot below shows a sample grid of resources under the HR function.
Resource: This will be the resources code.
Resource information: First name, last name, description and user account.
Group: The group that the resource belongs to e.g. customer or supplier.
Allow: these boxes will be ticked or unticked indicating the resources authorisation to different functions e.g. timesheet entry or tasks.
To modify the columns displayed, select
on the top right of the page, then tick/untick the information you want to hide or display.
How to view a Resource
Viewing a Resource
Either select Resource from the HR section in the Main area of the pulse menu -
This is an example screen shot of the pulse menu.
Position of the menu items within pulse will vary according to available options and dependant on personal screen resolution.
or from the Main Menu select HR then Resource -
or enter Resourse in the Quick Launch Side Menu.
This will then show the Resources on the system where normal customisation of Sets can be used.
How to create a new Resource
Creating a Resource
Select Resource from one of the options as shown above in Viewing a Resource.
Select either New or New (from user) - from the dropdown menu.
Fill in the account name to identify the contact account.
Tick one or more of these boxes to assign the resource to a Resource group
Fill out the rest of the tabs
This section will present the contacts that you have listed for the resource. Press Edit then Add to list more contacts under the resource.
You can also Assign a contact to be the main account if there is more than one contact.
How to amend a Resource
Amend a Resource
Select Resource from one of the options as shown above in Viewing a Resource.
Select the Resource to amend.
Select Amend.
Amend the selection criteria then press Apply.
Salesperson: Tick for the Resource to be selectable as responsible on Sale documents.
Buyer: Tick for the Resource to be selectable as responsible on Purchase Orders.
Requester: Tick for the Resource to be selectable as responsible on Requisitions.
Send remittance: Tick to send remittance to the Resource upon payment of expenses.
Allow task: Tick to identify resource that will be allocated tasks. This is required to compliment user role access to enable the recording of tasks for resource that are not a user.
Allow timesheet: Tick to identify resource that will be able to record timesheets. This is required to compliment user role access to enable the recording of timesheets for resource that are not a user.
Allow absence: This checkbox is read only and will be automatically ticked if the Resource is related to an Absence Group.
Allow expense: Tick to identify resource that will record expenses. This is required to compliment user role access to enable the recording of expenses for resource that are not a user.
This option will present you with a new section for Expenses to allow input of Payment Method and Payment Terms.
How to Import Resources
Importing Resources
Select Resources from one of the options as shown above in View a Resource.
Select Contact Bank Import from the
Enter options for Import.
- File: The source file created and saved previously.
- Full Import: Import all bank details.
- Update top bank: If a bank already exists for the contact account and you've input new details, ticking this box will update the top bank account's details.
To create an Import file with the correct formatting, Export a file first and save to your external source. Then use this file to add updated bank details.
Select Submit
How to Export Bank details
Exporting Bank details
Select Resources from one of the options as shown above in View a Resource.
Select Contact Bank Export from the
Enter options for Export.
- Rsource groups: Enter Resource groups to export from the dropdown list.
- Include closed: Tick to include closed bank accounts.
Select Submit.
The Export file is created as an Excel spreadsheet.
This file can now be opened, and Bank details added or edited.
How to lock a Resource
Lock a Resource
Locking a resource will disable it
Select Resource from one of the options as shown above in Viewing a Resource.
Select the Resource to lock.
Updated October 2024