When mistakes are made on a document e.g. tax entered incorrectly on a invoice, a reversal can be made. The reversal will create a opposite document to cancel out the document with an error.
The reversed document will be stored in the reversals finder for auditing purposes.
You can double click on the reversals to expand the details.
Viewing Reversals
Select GL / Reversals from the Main section of the pulse menu -
This is an example screen shot of the pulse menu.
Position of the menu items within pulse will vary according to available options and dependant on personal screen resolution.
or from the Main Menu select GL then Reversals -
or enter Reversals in the Quick Launch Side Menu.
This will then show the Reversals on the system where normal customisation of Sets can be used.
To modify the columns displayed, select in the top right of the page, then tick/untick the information you to see or not.
More Information
Status: This is the current status of the reversal.
Legal entity: This is the legal entity that the reversal is logged under.
Description: This will describe why the reversal was done e.g. tax entered incorrectly.
Doc# and Reversed #: the original document number and the reversed document number.
Period: This is the period that the document was reversed in e.g. MAY 2022.
To modify the columns displayed, select in the top right of the page, then untick the information you do not want to see.
Updated March 2024