January, 2022
- Release: 722 Check my version
- Get in touch to find out more about the features in this release or how to get even more out of the system.
Project - export & import
- For those Customers who create high volumes of projects, we have added the option to export and import projects, thus enable time-saving by providing an alternative to manual creation of projects.
Project - access restrictions by Resource & Resource Group
- For those of you who wish to restrict the entry and/ or viewing of projects by Resource, we have enhanced this control by allowing you to store Resource and/ or Resource Group. The ability to use Resource Group enables the reduction of ongoing maintenance of such access restrictions.
Payment - Charges
- In addition to Charges upon receipt, this feature has now been extended to enable Charges upon payment. An example of this would be e.g. a £5 bank charge upon making a USD payment from a GBP bank account.
Pending authorisations - Approve workflow
- We recognise that there are circumstances when your Administrator may need to force the approval of workflow tasks. We have extended this feature to not only allow step approval but now the complete workflow can also be approved.
Data entry control (DEC) - query based
- This release sees the first instalment of optional query based DECs.
- This will enable the automatic population of DECs which in turn can default and/ or restrict the available catalog values upon document entry.
- Examples include:
- Restricting Departments to related Legal Entity
- Restricting Projects to non parent project
- Restricting Bank Accounts to related Legal Entity
- Restricting Resources to related Project
- Examples include:
- This is time saving alternative for many existing DEC requirements which are currently setup manually.
Excel Functions - Data Access Control (DAC)
- Excel functions now support DAC which means users can be restricted as to the Legal Entity(s) they can view data for.
Excel Functions - currency amount functions
- We have added further Excel functions to support more advanced currency reporting requirements such as Debtors & Creditors control by Currency.
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Department - Legal Entity
- We have added Legal Entity (optional) on Departments. This is particularly useful if you wish to restrict the use of Departments to particular Legal Entities which is available as a DEC query based solution (see above).