Asset Movement Types
To view Asset Movement Types that are available, select Asset Movement Types option either from the pulse menu -
This is an example screen shot of the pulse menu.
Position of the menu items within pulse will vary according to available options and dependant on personal screen resolution.
or from the Quick Launch Side Menu.
This will then show the Asset Movement Types on the system where normal customisation of Sets can be used.
To modify the columns displayed, select on the top right of the page, then tick/untick the information you want to hide or display.
Selecting Open displays column options for the Asset Movement Types -
Code: This is a unique code.
Description: This is a unique description.
Allow Tangible: When ticked, this Asset Movement type can be used for Tangible Assets - an Asset that you can touch e.g. Computers.
Allow Intangible: When ticked, this Asset Movement type can be used for Intangible Assets - an Asset that you can't touch e.g. Goodwill.
Allow Non-depreciating: When ticked, this Asset Movement type can be used for Non-depreciating Assets.
Allow Non-capital: When ticked, this Asset Movement type can be used for Non-capital Assets.
Parent - used for reporting purposes.
Required access: This is the access permission that is required to be able to process Asset movements of this type.
Enable capitalised: When ticked, this Asset Movement Type can be used to Capitalise related Assets.
Enable command:
Enable bulk: When ticked, this Asset Movement Type can be used in Bulk processes.
Enable disposed: When ticked, this Asset Movement Type can be used to Dispose of related Assets.
Enable transferred: When ticked, this Asset Movement Type can be used to Transfer related Assets.
Enable written off: When ticked, this Asset Movement Type can be used to Write Off related Assets.
Selecting Tree displays the Asset Movement Types in Parent Groups.
Updated September 2024