February, 2022
- Release: 725 Check my version
- Get in touch to find out more about the features in this release or how to get even more out of the system.
Document automation
Disbursements - Automated & selectable
- It is now possible to create disbursement sale invoices from Expense and Purchase documents.
- This can be done from the document automation
- selectable directly from a disbursement Sale invoice
Purchase Order (PO) - Automated Accruals
- It is now possible to automate the production of PO accruals.
- Accruals can be run manually via document automation or scheduled to run automatically.
- Manual journals are created for the accrual(s) as well as the reversing journal in the following accounting period.
- Should you wish to e.g. run this process weekly then any previous accruals for the Legal Entity, currency, period (+reversing journal) will be automatically reversed.
Goods Received Note (GRN) - Automated Accruals
- Similar to PO Accruals, you can now also automate GRN accruals.
- PO & GRN accruals are separate document automation options which gives you the ability to run them independently.
Penny difference automation (Sale & Purchase)
- For those instances where e.g. a Purchase invoice and corresponding payment don't match by pennies, it is now possible to create penny difference documents to clear this outstanding amount. It is even possible to automate this process via the Scheduler.
Dashboard enhancements
- We have added enhancements including scrollable dashboards, tabs & groupings.