Asset Leases
When you create an Asset, you have the option to record it as a Leased Asset. This is where you are renting the Asset for a set period. The leasing company retains ownership of the asset while your business has the exclusive use of it for the term of the lease.
Using the dropdown arrow will display all the available Asset Leases that have been setup.
Viewing Asset Leases
To view Asset Leases that are on the system, either select Lease from Asset on the Main section from the pulse menu -
This is an example screen shot of the pulse menu.
Position of the menu items within pulse will vary according to available options and dependant on personal screen resolution.
or select Asset then Lease on the Main Menu -
or enter Lease in the Quick Launch Side Menu -
This will then show all the Asset Leases on the system.
Creating Asset Lease
Select Asset Lease from one of the options as shown above.
Press New.
Enter the required fields.
Currency can be changed by clicking on the currency letters and selecting one from the dropdown list.
Select Create once all fields have been entered.
Alternatively, the Discard button can be selected which will abandon the information entered.
Updated November 2024