December 2019
- Release: 547
Document detail authorisation
Authorisations are being revamped to support authorisation at line level.
Account settings
Configuring the accounts has been streamlined and can now be configured from a central place for ease of setup and maintenance.
Associating accounts is now rule based, allowing for a greater control on defining the account code and posting field rules.
Document matching updates
Abandoning and reversing of matched documents will release the matched amounts / quantities.
The matching status is now reflected in the status of the document. A document fully matched will now be stamped as completed and will no longer be available in open sets.
Custom fields on customers and suppliers
You can now define custom fields on a per contact group basis. Custom fields work across all data types, including text, date, and catalog fields.
Other enhancements
Header collapse/expand
You can now collapse group boxes within editors to free up screen space.
Reports header & footer text
Reports have been updated to include header and footer text.
Project P&L tree
You can now create and view P&L trees for specific projects.
Data migration
A number of additional data migration imports are now available, including:
- contact bank accounts
- users
- resources
- chart of account flags
Document imports now support custom attributes.
Additional bank interfaces:
- Allied Irish Bank CSV bank statement import
- Co-op Bank
- Triodos Bank
- CAF Bank
- SWIFT MT 100