Archived Customer & Suppliers
This option shows a financial breakdown by month/year and transaction type of all the transactions for all the Customer & suppliers that have been archived. The option has various filters that allows you to breakdown the figures in various ways and gives you the opportunity to export to an excel file using the button.
View Archive Customer & Suppliers menu
In iplicit, go to the Archive Customer & Suppliers menu by either selecting Customer & Suppliers from Archive in the Settings section from the pulse menu -
This is an example screen shot of the pulse menu.
Position of the menu items within pulse will vary according to available options and dependant on personal screen resolution.
or enter Archive Customer & Suppliers in the Quick Launch Side Menu.
This will display Archive Customer & Suppliers.
Information shown is self-explanatory.
To modify the columns displayed, select
in the top right of the page, then untick the information you do not want to see.
Archive Customer & Suppliers detail
Select Archive Customer & Suppliers menu from one of the options as shown in View Archive Customer & Suppliers menu above.
Select the Customer & supplier to view and double click to open.
This shows a yearly summary of all archived transactions that have been imported into your iplicit system.
To view the data by expanding all rows, select the toggle expand rows button
To view monthly totals over the years, select the toggle expand columns button
to view monthly totals split by individual rows, select both the toggle expand rows button
and toggle expand columns button
selecting toggle buttons again will revert the views back to summary view.