My Settings
My settings
Change Password
Selecting the change password option will open a pop-up box. Type in your current password into the first field, enter your new desired password into both the second and third fields. You can toggle the eye icon to make sure you have typed in the correct password. Click "Update password" and the changes will take place with immediate effect. The next time you login you will require this new password.
A variety of themes are available. Selecting a different theme will change the ribbon at the top of the page and can also change the colour of some text headers, in some cases (as seen with the dark theme) the whole background will change.
A reload acts like a refresh commonly found across most web browsers. This acts differently to the refresh found in finders.
Clicking lock will temporarily lock the user out, it acts similarly to a logout; however, you do not need to save any changes you have made when wanting to lock your session. If you are inactive for a period of time, the screen will automatically lock. Upon locking the background will fade and you will be required to input your password to carry on with your user session.
To logout, click the close button at the top right of the screen. If you are creating or editing an item then before the logout is complete you will be asked if you would like to save the changes you have made.