Cost Centres
A Cost Centre is used to report against different parts of your organisation.
Searching existing cost centres
Existing cost centres can be searched using GET /api/costcentre
Note this is a paginated response, and will return by default up to 100 results. Use the skip
and take
query parameters to get next pages:
GET /api/costcentre?skip=300&take=100
See reference for supported search criteria: GET /api/costcentre
Loading additional details:
A cost centre can be retrieved by its id or code:
GET /api/costcentre/26c18ab0-691e-47d3-6773-08dbffbe216b
GET /api/costcentre/CC100
Additional details can be included:
: child cost centres
The details can be loaded with the include
GET /api/costcentre/CC100?include=resources,subCostcentres
Creating a new cost centre
This is the minimal example to create a cost centre:
POST /api/costcentre
"code": "CC100",
"description": "CostCentre100"
Complete example:
This is a complete example that contains all supported fields.
Note the codes might vary in your environment so be sure to consult the available reference catalogs in Iplicit or via the catalogs endpoints
POST /api/costcentre
"code": "CC100",
"description": "CostCentre100",
"legacyRef": "CC1",
"legalEntityId": "LEGEA",
"parentCostCentreId": "CC000"
See reference for supported create criteria: POST /api/costcentre
Updating an existing cost centre
The updating of cost centres is done by patching: only the specified fields will be updated.
The following sections are completely replaced if they are specified in the patch object:
Simple update
PATCH /api/costcentre/{{costCentreRef}}
"description": "CostCentre100A"
This will only update the description field specified, keeping everything else as is.
Locking (soft deleting) a cost centre:
POST /api/costcentre/{{costCentreRef}}/lock
POST /api/costcentre/{{costCentreRef}}/unlock
Locked cost centres have isActive
field set to false