Bank Transactions
Creating a new Bank transaction
Create a new Bank Transaction for a specified bank account.
POST /api/bankTransaction
Deposit with required fields only
"bankAccountRef": "LEGEACUR",
"description": "A Bank transaction",
"bankDate": "2023-09-12",
"depositAmount": 45.23
Withdrawal including optional fields
"bankAccountRef": "LEGEACUR",
"description": "A Bank transaction",
"bankDate": "2023-09-12",
"bankReference": "AB-123",
"merchantName": "A Merchant",
"postDate": "2023-09-11",
"paymentMethodRef": "BC",
"withdrawalAmount": 120.56,
"depositAmount": 0.0
Amount rules
- One of depositAmount or withdrawalAmount must be supplied and greater than zero
- Only one of depositAmount and withdrawalAmount can be greater than zero
Reference: POST /api/BankTransaction
Retrieving an existing Bank transaction
GET /api/bankTransaction/(id)
"id": "700d2da7-8204-4a30-9a1e-149b22710562",
"bankAccountId": "11c8181b-1863-449b-91f2-53ee5004b13c",
"description": "A Bank transaction",
"bankDate": "2023-09-12",
"depositAmount": 0.00000,
"withdrawalAmount": 120.56000,
"amount": -120.56000,
"postDate": "2023-09-11",
"bankReference": "AB-123",
"merchantName": "A Merchant",
"paymentMethodCode": "BC",
"lastModified": "2023-10-04T08:26:45.383",
"lastModifiedBy": "auser",
"isActive": true
Reference: GET /api/BankTransaction/(id)
Updating a Bank transaction
All fields except bankAccountId can be updated.
PATCH /api/bankTransaction/(id)
"depositAmount": 0,
"withdrawalAmount": 178.98,
"description": "New description",
"bankDate": "2023-09-03",
"postDate": "2023-09-02",
"bankReference": "New Bank Reference",
"merchantName": "New Merchant",
"paymentMethodRef": "DD"
Update Rules
- The net result of an update must be that one and only one of DepositAmount or WithdrawalAmount is non-zero
- Locked transactions cannot be modified
- Transactions that have been included in a match on a bank reconciliation cannot be modified
Reference: PATCH /api/BankTransaction/(id)
Locking and Unlocking a Bank transaction
Bank transactions can be locked and unlocked
POST /api/bankTransaction/(id)/lock
Reference: POST /api/bankTransaction/(id)/lock
POST /api/bankTransaction/(id)/unlock
Reference: POST /api/bankTransaction/(id)/unlock
Deleting a Bank transaction
Locked Bank transactions can be deleted
DELETE /api/bankTransaction/(id)
Reference: DELETE /api/bankTransaction/(id)